Amigo CamoFly Fly Sheet for Horses
The Horseware Amigo CamoFly Fly Sheet provides a simple way to protect your horse by helping to deter flies from landing on their body without the use of fly spray.
The CamoFly pattern helps to camouflage horses from pesky flies. Research surrounding how flies react to zebras and their stripes suggest that the monochrome stripes confuse flies acting as a natural deterrent.
The unique print is inspired by the pattern of a fly's wing. The layered black lines on a gray background act to create an optical illusion in the eye of a fly. The pattern breaks up the shape of the horse. Insects struggle to identify the horse as a target and cannot figure out where to land.
Features & Benefits:
- unique CamoFly fly deterrent design
- camouflages the horse from pesky bugs & flies
- deep cut with extended belly flap
- extra long tail flap for maximum coverage
- detachable hood
- shine enhancing shoulder, mane & tail lining
- knitted polyester net
- three straight surcingles
- 65% UV protection